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Clarabella Olssen - Rosalong EP - Wondermachine - Andres Marcos Revellado

I‘m are very happy to present you Wondermachine 001.

Wondermachine is the name of the Netlabel I’m taking care of. It’s dedicated to spontaneous music excursions and experimentation, especially focused on interaction between electronics and other improvised forms of music. I wanted to realize my own music platform since a very long time, and now I finally decided to make it happen. A part of my music productions don’t fit any other label, I would like to collect music that goes in this direction and publish it here. In my vision, Wondermachine should be like a machine producing its very own sound, the name was also inspired by the book “Serafin And His Wondermachine”, that we bought for our son Serafin.

The title of the opening EP is Rosalong by Clarabella Olssen, it includes a remix by Storlon.

Clarabella Olssen is the alias I use for music based on trial concepts and impulsive arrangements.

Storlon has developed an unique and recognizable style, his interpretation of Rosalong is an illustration of his approach.



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