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New Caledonia Album - Unoiki - Featuring Transmissions by Andres Marcos Revellado

New Caledonia Album - Unoiki - Featuring Transmissions by Andres Marcos Revellado

New Caledonia is an island in the Pacific Ocean.
It is so far away from the rest of the world, that it seems to be a perfect hide-away and a projection of our innermost desires and dreams.
One of theUNOIKI artists is moving to this beautiful place and so it just was perfect for us to reflect about our vision of paradise, about our dreams and desires, about change and exploration and courage, but also about loss and all, what you leave behind.
Design and packaging is invented by our man Jonathan Mangelinckx again, who produces all covers by hand himself!


released 10 November 2012
Artist: Various Artists
Title: New Caledonia
Release date: 10-11-2012
Cat.#: UI008
Format: ltd CD-R (100 copies) / mp3, ogg, flac



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