/* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('NONCE_KEY', 'K!|H)~Gv/)N=!3595UF9Xkoy}I|+,C(bnO-)DGZE*s3GD`vzY*wPBJc)H]bT*xk2'); define('AUTH_SALT', 'w&t7$D{q_r0_Ow*lPP7EphIi3)5Ex]=-pB{Ng}Y$Rb,nzcQztqnd)wCW@+Uy`jpE;VlFk-qO&s'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '}+4M=9AJ+Q>OoH2KeaRA95z%>b[NkDwU8+rW.*_J?oGogM!T4C-~~n)dj*(cK4k(0X3/hF6{5@?'); coming soon…..UNOIKI – andrés marcos revellado

UNOIKI is an exploratory platform for electronic music, visual and related art settled between the cornerstones CLUB and ART!
UNOIKI is about exploring the spaces inbetween searching for new grounds and ways questioning and undefining rules, limits and structures in music, art, distribution, promotion and life at all!UNOIKI is based on the idea to create a collective of like-minded artists with an original and unique vision.UNOIKI wants to initiate projects and collaborations and plans to publish, release and sell music, visual, audiovisual and interdisciplinary works via this website.
UNOIKI wishes to build links to innovative artists, thinkers, creators, writers, promoters and afficionados to create a network, which is getting prepared for the future.


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